I am having a blast at my Wellness Inversion Retreat that includes writing, yoga and painting.

In the two days that I’ve been here, I’ve learned things about being open to what is and moving through resistance.

These are two great arenas for writing. What do we attach to in life? What if it is taken away from us? What if we’re used to one style of living and suddenly we’re thrown into another style? What if we’re asked to do things in a partner situation with a stranger? How do we move through our boundaries?

To put these in context when I arrived, I found out that the accommodations are very primitive. They are huts for a most part that are in a semi-circle with a meeting spot in the middle. The room where I am staying is GORGEOUS but style wise, it is similar to staying in a tree house on the ocean. The bathroom and the shower are outside. The room is like a sanctuary. You can’t use blow dryers here. So, of course, I had to let go of my vanity and just be. Within this resistance, I found something joyous. It feels great to just be in my most natural state and write.

During the yoga practice, she had us work in partners. To do so, I had to work through some of my own personal boundaries and when I did, I felt like it opened up a new door.

We did a writing marathon on the second day where we were instructed just to write for a certain amount of time without changing anything. Then, every hour, we could take 5 minutes to review what we wrote. I have never done something like this. I found it to be very refreshing and empowering.

Try writing for 4 hours straight without going over what you are writing but just continuing through it. Every hour review your work but only to spot out what works instead of judging what didn’t work. You might find that some gems appear where you least expect it.